Friday, October 17, 2008

Fabric of our democracy

In a routine interview on Hardball, we see a new McCarthy. Actually more of a new Salem witch trials. Representative Bachmann (R-MN) produces a screed that places her outside the regular liberal-conservative bounds. In said screed, she calls Barack Obama and unnamed Democratic members of Congress "un-American". In an election where the Republican candidate is more than 10 points behind, this desperation move is predictable.

In addition to spreading racial innuendos (e.g. comparisons of Barack Obama as Osama bin Laden) the McCain campaign is resorting to the Mcarty-ite tactics of labeling one's opponent 'anti-American'.

Enough to make me sick to my stomach. I, like many Americans, want this election to revolve around the starkly different policies of the candidates. A desperate man will do anything to win.

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